Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fall Fun!

Wow!  What a fall season we have had!  Since the last blog update, we have been busy
  • Adding new songs to our reportoire with Cantor Korn and Joel
  • Learning how to critique a musical composition 
  • Formulating our own definition of what Jewish music actually is 
  • Experiencing the real meaning of tzedakah and writing a song about it
  • Delving into the past to discover how music was used in the Temple in Jerusalem 
  • Listening to and learning about Sephardic music
  • Becoming acquainted with the Psalms
  • Practicing Hebrew through movement and hands-on activities 
  • Becoming more familiar with the weekday liturgy
Here are some highlights from October:

EVERYBODY'S A CRITIC! (REALLY!)  This month, the students learned how to identify the elements of a musical composition (tempo, melody, harmony, texture, etc.) and began to critique various compositions, both Jewish and non-Jewish.  They particularly enjoyed the live performances by each of our Sunday TA's!

 Listening to "Jerusalem of Gold," by Naomi Shemer, sung by Ofrah Haza
 Yerushalaim Shel Zahav
 Jerusalem of Gold - Land of Promise

 Ethan W. goes disco with his rendition of "Stayin Alive!"
Noah K. performs "Can't Stop" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

 NO, IT'S NOT AN EARTHQUAKE!  It's just Hebrew through movement!
WARDROBE FOR OPPORTUNITY - our 5th/6th grade tzedakah project was quite a success!  Temple member Wendy Dorband and her crew taught the students about the non-profit's mission, and helped them evaluate and sort clothes for use by those in need.  The students then returned to the Shira classroom and wrote lyrics for a song about tzedakah.

The students learned about Maimonides' Ladder of Charity, on which the top rung is to help a person become self-sufficient.  They determined that Wardrobe for Opportunity made it to the top!