Thursday, February 2, 2017

Who I Am

Today, we began our unit on the Jews' migration to the United States.  Our introductory lesson, "Who Am I?," focused on understanding that being Jewish is a part of our identity, and as Jews, we look at the world in a unique way.  Our forefathers who immigrated to America had a Jewish identity as well, and when they became Americans, their American and Jewish identities intertwined, creating a new culture.  To grasp the idea of identity, the students watched two videos of the same name, "Who I Am" by Jessica Andrews, and "Who I Am" by Nick Jonas.  Each of the videos addresses the idea of identity, the first focusing on family roots and connections to one's history, and the second one focusing on how we create our own identities.  Take a look:

The students then created their own "Identity Cards," filled with words that describe who they are. We discussed the idea that some of the things that make us who we are, like our heritage or physical makeup, do not change. At the same time, other aspects of our lives, such as being a soccer player or a 6th grader, are fluid.

 As a culminating project, the two classes wrote a collective song, which we will sing again on Sunday:

by Shira 2017

I am smart and I am cool 
I am friendly, I am Jewish 
I am nervous and a brother 
And a sister, but I'm anxious. 

Sometimes I'm an only child 
I'm lost or afraid  
But other times I'm proud 
Of the beauty I have made.  

I am me, I am me
I am me,
and that's who I wanna be!

A dog lover who is proud
A gamer who is silent
 I'm sensitive and a swimmer
A diva,  I'm independent.

I am funny, I am changed
A survivor who's an athlete
I'm a dancer and a singer
Standing on my own two feet!

I am me, I am me
I am me,
and that's who I wanna be!

This Sunday will be a special music-filled day, when we have a guest Klezmer performer, David Rosenfeld.
He will bring his mandolin and fiddle to lead us in learning some new Yiddish songs, and to teach us about the various elements of Klezmer music.  It will be a session not to be missed!