Monday, February 10, 2014

New Music for Shira!

Happy February, everyone!

To wrap up 2013, we finished our lessons on the Jewish calendar, the elements of Jewish music and the origins of Jewish music. The students researched the lives of 20th century Jewish composers.  In December and January, they "became" their composers, presenting what they learned to the class in the form of a first-person report.

In January, we began focusing on the middot (Jewish values) that are presented in the Psalms and Proverbs.  Sounds a bit dull, yes?  No way!  We've been doing silly skits, creating meaningful art, writing praiseful poetry and (of course) making music together to enhance our understanding of how Jewish values can play a part in our lives today. Sage advice such as "Be slow to anger," "Judge others favorably," "Do good," and "Have an understanding heart" are ancient axioms, but are still very valuable lessons.  Shira has been learning the origins, historical context and present-day meaning of these and other middot.

On another note, the students recently completed a "spoof" of a popular country song, "Friday Night" by Eric Paslay.  Our version is entitled "Friday Lights," and the lyrics are all about getting ready for Shabbat.  We are hoping to create a music video of the tune before the end of the year, and I have a favor to ask... Parents, if any of you have any experience with, or interest in helping us create our video masterpiece, please email me at  We hope to be in production by mid-March, if all goes well.  Any help with camera work, audio, costumes, props,editing, or just an extra pair of adult hands would be greatly appreciated!  Shalom!

Ask your child:  What is his or her favorite psalm?  What are the middot?  How is the civil rights movement connected to Jewish values?   What Hebrew words have they learned this week?

Learning some Dan Nichols songs with Joel

Tu B'shevat lessons in the sun!

Can you say "orange" in Hebrew? (ask your child how!)

The students take a break from researching their composers

Pre-production meeting for one of the skits

Singing psalms!

The sages (note the "beards") share their wisdom

A few of the middot

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