Thursday, March 9, 2017

Be Happy! It's Adar!

Purim is upon us, and the Shiraniks have been learning about the traditions and music of Purim.  As we all know, here at Temple Isaiah it is customary to have a musical Purimshpiel.  Since we are focusing on Jews in America between 1700 and 1800, it was only natural that the students would write parody Purim songs with an Americana twist.  Here's what they came up with:

Tuesday's students wrote a song about Haman (boo!) sung to the tune of Oh, Susannah!

Wednesday, the students wrote a song about Mordechai, sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle.
And on Sunday, we managed to eke out one more original tune in the half hour just before the Purim Shpiel and carnival! Here's "This Land is My Land" (sung by Ahashveros):

Of course, the students learned one or two traditional Purim tunes as well!  Here, Eric teaches them a Purim guessing game song sung to the tune of Tumbalalaika:

Here, we sing "Ani Purim"

This year's shpiel, a parody of Frozen, starred Erin as Haman, Maimone as the king, Karen as Esther,  Joanne  as Mordechai, and JQuest alumnus Michaela as the talented Vashti.  As always, Cantor Korn (the snowman) put together a wonderfully musical production!  If you happen to have any videos of the event, please email me, as I was unable to videotape or take photos while we were onstage!

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