Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Shake Lulav and Rick Recht!!

Okay, folks, our first song parody has arrived!!
This song was written to the tune of "Shake it off" by Taylor Swift by our amazing Shira students last year.  Since they never got a chance to record it, we thought we'd dust it off and have a go at making it our own this year.  We will be rehearsing it next Tuesday and Wednesday (No JQuest this Sunday, but we hope you'll join us here at the Temple to help build the sukkah!!) and will record it the following Sunday, October 8th.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR A BIG, BIG, REALLY BIG EVENT that is happening on that Sunday (Oct. 8) - We will be having a very special concert during Tefillah by the amazing Rick Recht!!!!! (If you don't already know, he's a really big deal).  Mr. Recht has written countless popular Jewish tunes, many of which we sing here at Temple Isaiah.  Parents and siblings, please join us for this incredible event!

So, as promised, here are the lyrics to Shake Lulav.  I was not able to provide a link to the karaoke version on iTunes, and I did not want to post the YouTube karaoke version on the blog here, as it has the original lyrics.  So, if you'd like to find the karaoke version on your own to practice to, please do so (with parental permission, of course!) See you Tuesday and Wednesday!

“Shake Lulav”
(Sung to the tune of “Shake it Off” by Taylor Swift)

Yom Kippur is done
The High Holy Days have gone
It’s time to have some fun (oh oh)
It’s time to have some fun

We’re gonna build a booth
With some branches for the roof
To let the stars shine through (ooh ooh)
Let the stars shine through

Our sukkah’s awesome
and we worked until we saw some
of the gourds and apples hanging
from the schach 
Saying “Time to celebrate!”

Cause we Jews got to 
Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray

On this harvest holiday
day, day, day, day

And we just gotta
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

And we live there night and 
day, day, day, day, day

In our sukkah by the bay
bay, bay, bay, bay

And we’re all just gonna 
shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

Hope it doesn’t rain!
But if it does, we won’t complain,
Cause it’s still fun anyway (yeah yeah)
It’s still fun anyway!

Inviting friends to eat
in the Sukkah’s really neat
Cause Sukkot just can’t be beat (no no)
Sukkot just can’t be beat!

Our sukkah’s awesome
and we worked until we saw some
of the gourds and apples hanging
from the schach (roof)
Saying “Time to celebrate!”

Cause we Jews got to 
Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray

On this harvest holiday
day, day, day, day

And we just gotta
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

And we live there night and 
day, day, day, day, day

In our sukkah by the bay
bay, bay, bay, bay

And we’re all just gonna 
shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav
Shake lulav

(rap section sung by 2 or 3 students - auditions will be on Tuesday and Wednesday next week!)

Hey, hey, hey!
Just think, we’ve all been
down and out about 
teshuvah, and the dirty, dirty deeds
we’ve all done,
But now it’s time to get down,
It’s. Su-Kot!

Ancient Jews
They made pilgrimage
to Jerusalem 
celebrate the harvest.

In my sukkah
got my lulav.
It’s my willow and my palm
and my myrtle and my etrog
Gonna shake, shake, shaaaaaaake

Oooohhh yeeeeaaaahhh!

Cause we Jews got to 
Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray

On this harvest holiday
day, day, day, day

And we just gotta
Shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

And we live there night and 
day, day, day, day, day

In our sukkah by the bay
bay, bay, bay, bay

And we’re all just gonna 
shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
The lulav, the lulav!

Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav
Shake lulav
Shake Shake
Shake lulav

Shake lulav

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