Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Our Parody is Published!

Shalom Shiraniks!

This week, we worked on our project that shows what we know about the last unit about music and worship in the Tabernacle, Temple and Synagogue.  The students listened to the Brady Bunch theme song (yep, it's an oldie but a goodie!), and came up with their own lyrics to illustrate how the Jews evolved from sacrificing animals at the Tabernacle, First and Second Temples to "sacrificing" prayers today.  Shiraniks, we will be recording these lyrics on Sunday, so please try to be here and prepared to sing!  Here's the song, followed by a video of the original theme song and the karaoke version to practice to:   

The Praying Bunch - Parody of the Brady Bunch Theme
by Shira 2019-20

Here’s the story, of a sanctuary
And a people who pray to God each day
they a tabernacle
the priests showed them the way

Here’s the story, of a Holy Temple
It was permanent with sacrifice each day
They had priests sing...and play the shofar
And it was all okay

Until one day when the Romans wrecked the Temple
We created synagogues and had a hunch
We’d no longer sacrifice but pray with cantors
That’s the way we all became the praying bunch

The Praying Bunch
The Praying Bunch,
That’s the way we became the Praying Bunch.

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