Monday, October 7, 2013

What, Exactly, Is Jewish Music?

       Shalom Shiraniks!
     This week was spent getting to know each other, and our musical heritage a little better.  We began by meditating about music in general, sharing our thoughts on where and when we hear music, how we use music and how music makes us feel.  Then, to begin our unit on Jewish musical traditions, we turned our attention to Jewish music, listening to some examples, and creating lists of what we currently think Jewish music is, when we use it and why.  The answers were varied and, for the most part, very thoughtful.  

On Sunday, we followed up our first lesson on Jewish music with, appropriately enough, our first Junior Choir rehearsal with Cantor Korn.  He introduced us to a very cool new song called "Adonai Echad," which was written by a seventeen year old girl! Here's a quick snippet of the Junior Choir's first stab at it: 

Cantor Korn recorded the harmony parts for everyone to listen and practice to. Here they are:

Sundays are filled with activity this year!  After Junior Choir practice, we had a quick lesson on Hanukkah to help us better understand some of our upcoming Hanukkah songs, we learned a little Hebrew through movement, then we had more music with Joel!  After all that, we rounded out the day with a "standing on one foot" style Powerpoint presentation about the early (really, really early) history of Jewish liturgical music in the Tabernacle and the Temple.  Whew!  

Ask your child:  What does he or she think Jewish music is?  Also, if you have any suggestions for really cool Hanukkah songs, let us know!  Shira is looking for some new music to perform at the December Shabbatarama.

Finally, a couple of very important notes for parents:  

1.  Please do not send your child with a snack to eat during class, unless you plan to send enough to share with the whole class.  It can be quite disruptive, and we do provide snacks (including gluten-free options) for the kids during a specified snack time. 
2.  If your child has a cell phone, it is our policy to have them turn them off and put them away during class.  Please do not call or text your child unless it is an emergency.  If you need to get a message to your child, please call the Temple Isaiah Education Office at (925)284-9191.
3.  If your child needs to leave early, please let us know in advance if at all possible, and come upstairs to get him or her.  Students are not allowed to walk downstairs and wait by themselves for a parent.  If you must retrieve your child during weekday tefillah (prayer), please wait quietly until there is a break in the prayer service before taking your child with you. 
4.  Make a note to send tzedakah money with your child, if it's possible.  The students have set a goal of raising $150.00 by the end of the (secular) year, so please help us make that happen if you can!  Thanks!

NEXT WEEK:  We will be starting our search for Hanukkah songs, building our musical vocabulary and, on Sunday, the students will be doing their Tikkun Olam ("fixing the world") project with Wardrobe for Opportunity.  It's a very popular project, and one that the students are very proud of - be sure your child doesn't miss it!  

Shalom, and have a musical week!

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