Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Hanukkah!

Shalom Shiraniks!
May you all be enjoying the love and light of Hanukkah with your friends and family.  (And enjoying your musical menorahs, which by the way, you should take care not to let the candles burn too low in, as they are really more for show, since they are wooden!)
Here are a few shots of the kids' last week before break (a.k.a. "Bring A Friend" Week).  Chag Sameach Chanukah!  See you in 2015!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Maccabeats and Miracles

Chag Chanukah Sameach, y'all!

As the eight nights of light approach, the Shiraniks are busy practicing their candle lighting blessings, learning about the history of Hanukkah and polishing up their musical menorahs.  This Sunday, we also spent some time watching some very cool videos about Hanukkah (check 'em out below) and writing our own Hanukkah parody songs. 
Don't forget - this Tuesday and Wednesday are "bring a friend" days at religious school!

Here are some fun Hanukkah parody videos for you and your family to enjoy:
"All About That Neis" (parody of All About That Bass) by the Maccabeats

"Hanukkah Rock of Ages" mash up  - Aish video
"Shake it Off" Taylor Swift Hanukkah Parody

Here are some of the things we've been up to this week:
Learning about the different Jewish summer camp opportunities that are available

Hanukkah music with Joel!

Musical Menorahs!

Kavanah - concentration, effort, focus

Nes Gadol Haya Sham - A great miracle happened there! (or nes gadol haya po - "a great miracle happened here")

Playing dreidel

Hmmm...what should we write our Hanukkah songs about?

Putting the finishing touches on the musical menorah.

Hanukkah music with Joel

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hanukkah Happenings

As the big storm was brewing, our Shira class was busy in our cozy classroom, gluing, painting and decorating their "musical menorahs" for Hanukkah.  Each student designed his or her own menorah, which will be coming home by Sunday.  During our art activity, Tuesday's class listened to classic Hanukkah songs, discussing the origins and traditions of the holiday.  Wednesday's class played a Hanukkah version of 20 Questions as they worked on their masterpieces.

 This Sunday, we will continue our holiday unit on Hanukkah, by putting the finishing touches on the hanukkiot (menorahs), learning some new Hanukkah songs and watching really cool Hanukkah videos from around the world.  And don't forget that next Tuesday and Wednesday are "Bring A Friend" days at Temple Isaiah Religious School!  We will be spinning dreidels, playing games and having Hanukkah treats, so don't miss it!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Wonderful Shabbat Shira!

This Friday, the Junior Choir performed at Shabbatarama, and they rocked the house! (Okay, they rocked the sanctuary!)  Cantor Korn and I are very proud of the students, who did a wonderful job of helping to lead the congregation in song. 

Junior Choir Performs at Shabbatarama - December 5, 2014

Earlier in the week, the Shira students were lucky enough to squeeze in one more rehearsal with Cantor Korn before the big performance.  

The group's next performance will be in February (Date and details TBA) at the Reutlinger Home for Jewish Living in Danville.  

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Coming to America

Hello everyone,

           I hope you all had a warm, wonderful Thanksgiving!  We only have a couple of weeks until Hanukkah, but I wanted to touch base with you about upcoming Shira events and news:
  •   Cantor Korn and I look forward to seeing you and your child at this Friday’s Junior Choir performance at Shabbatarama.  Please have your child arrive at the sanctuary by 6:00pm to warm up for the services, which begin at 6:30pm. 
  • This weekend, the 5th and 6th graders will be attending a special b’nai mitzvah prep class.  The 6th grade will meet on Saturday from 9:00-12:00, and the 5th grade will meet on Sunday during first session only (9:00-11:00).  
  •  If you have not had a chance to fill out the “Family Roots” questionnaire with your child, please do so by next week. 

The Next Stop on the Jewish Musical History Tour is...

The students have left Europe, and are about to land in America with many of their ancestors.  I have sent home a questionnaire about your own family's roots.  If you have not had a chance to fill it out with your child yet, please do so as soon as possible.  We will be comparing our own origins with those of many of the Jews coming to America during what became known as the Great Migration.

In the meantime, here is what we've been up to over the last couple of weeks:

We rehearsed and recorded our Ashkenazi Rap song, which is now being edited.  When it is finished, we will upload it to YouTube!

The students were treated to a "Prayer in Motion" tefillah with special guest artist Liz Lerman.  As she led us in prayer, the students came up with movements for various words and phrases, which were incorporated into the prayer as we sang.  It was, to say the least, a very moving experience for all!

In cooking class, the students prepared Vegetable and Fruit Kugel Cupcakes.  A fun recipe for Shabbat!

Music with Joel continues, as we begin to learn some of the songs by our Spring Fling guest artist Peri Smilow."Rabbi Ben Bag Bag" is one of their new favorites!

In addition to teaching Junior Choir, Cantor Korn has been visiting us to teach the students cantillation.  Here, they learn the second group of symbols that will help them chant the Torah at their bnai mitzvot!

Sure, Shira is a music class, however we do like to explore a variety of artistic outlets.  For example, to learn about the lives and music of Jews in far-flung places, the students read about and created illustrations of synagogues throughout the Diaspora, from places like India, Ethiopia and Sweden.  As they were doing the artwork, they listened to secular and liturgical tunes from various Jewish communities around the world, comparing the musical styles, instrumentation and lyrics.

That's what we've been up to in Shira!