Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hanukkah Happenings

As the big storm was brewing, our Shira class was busy in our cozy classroom, gluing, painting and decorating their "musical menorahs" for Hanukkah.  Each student designed his or her own menorah, which will be coming home by Sunday.  During our art activity, Tuesday's class listened to classic Hanukkah songs, discussing the origins and traditions of the holiday.  Wednesday's class played a Hanukkah version of 20 Questions as they worked on their masterpieces.

 This Sunday, we will continue our holiday unit on Hanukkah, by putting the finishing touches on the hanukkiot (menorahs), learning some new Hanukkah songs and watching really cool Hanukkah videos from around the world.  And don't forget that next Tuesday and Wednesday are "Bring A Friend" days at Temple Isaiah Religious School!  We will be spinning dreidels, playing games and having Hanukkah treats, so don't miss it!

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