Sunday, December 14, 2014

Maccabeats and Miracles

Chag Chanukah Sameach, y'all!

As the eight nights of light approach, the Shiraniks are busy practicing their candle lighting blessings, learning about the history of Hanukkah and polishing up their musical menorahs.  This Sunday, we also spent some time watching some very cool videos about Hanukkah (check 'em out below) and writing our own Hanukkah parody songs. 
Don't forget - this Tuesday and Wednesday are "bring a friend" days at religious school!

Here are some fun Hanukkah parody videos for you and your family to enjoy:
"All About That Neis" (parody of All About That Bass) by the Maccabeats

"Hanukkah Rock of Ages" mash up  - Aish video
"Shake it Off" Taylor Swift Hanukkah Parody

Here are some of the things we've been up to this week:
Learning about the different Jewish summer camp opportunities that are available

Hanukkah music with Joel!

Musical Menorahs!

Kavanah - concentration, effort, focus

Nes Gadol Haya Sham - A great miracle happened there! (or nes gadol haya po - "a great miracle happened here")

Playing dreidel

Hmmm...what should we write our Hanukkah songs about?

Putting the finishing touches on the musical menorah.

Hanukkah music with Joel

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