Sunday, March 22, 2015

From Purim to Pesach In Just A Few Notes!

In recent weeks, the students have been enjoying the silliness of Purim and the joyful month of Adar.  Now we are switching our class "nusach," or tune, to get ready for Passover.  Out with the mishigas, and in with the matzah!  To mark the end of Adar, we finished recording our silly story about Louis Lewandowski today, and we will be editing and posting the final product soon.  (Look for trailers in a theater near you!) 
The unedited last scene of our video!

 The students also had a special visit by former Shira instructor Rachel Mylan, who taught us a new version of Avadim Hayinu! 

In tefillah last week, Rabbi Miller showed the sixth graders what the week's Torah portion looks like - Mi Chamocha is shaped like the sea!  In class, we had done shape poems earlier in the year, and the students realized just how beautifully poetic the Torah can be!
The Torah looks like mayim!(water)

 Last weekend, some of our fifth grade families attended a wonderful field trip to the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco.  They completed their own works of art, learned about the Ashkenazi Jews of Poland and Russia, and enjoyed listening to the sounds of the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass festival sponsored by philanthropist Warren Hellman.

 Warren Hellman's bejeweled jacket and banjo.

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