Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Thank you to all the parents who attended the first ever Shira Family Day in February!  We had fun showing off what Shira has been up to, and learning new dances (how fast can YOU dance the hora now?).  This month, we have been learning about the Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment) and the early Reform movement in Germany.  To wrap up the unit, the students are recording a video about the life of Louis Lewandowski, who contributed a great deal to moving the Jewish liturgy into the modern era.  Thanks to Lewandowski and his peers, such as Solomon Sulzer, we now enjoy music as part of our liturgy.
Don't forget that this Sunday, we will be having a special field trip to the Contemporary Jewish Museum for all 5th grade families - 2nd Session only!
For our spring "5th Grade B'nai Mitzvah Prep" session, we invite you to a family field trip to visit the Contemporary Jewish Museum!  All Temple Isaiah students receive a gift of free membership to the CJM when they become bar/bat mitzvah, so we wanted to give them an opportunity to visit the museum and see what it's all about.  This will be a wonderful off-site gathering of all the Temple Isaiah 5th grade families, and we hope you can attend! 

We will have a special tour focusing on the exhibit  "Letters to Afar," about the thriving Jewish life in Poland during the 1920's and 1930's, followed by an art project related to the exhibit.  This is a wonderful wrap up for the students, as they finish their studies about the Ashkenazi Jews, and move into modern Jewish America and Israel.

All 5th graders are required to attend with a parent, grandparent, or other adult.  Siblings are welcome, too.  Please indicate how many from your family will be able to attend.  There is no charge for this event, as it is sponsored by Temple Isaiah.

We will gather at 9:45am at the front entrance of the CJM.  The museum is easily accessible by BART or car.

If you have any questions, please contact Charna at  We are excited about this field trip and hope you can all make it!

Here are a few photos  from our Purim Carnival this year:

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