Sunday, October 4, 2015

Chag Sameach!
Happy Holiday, its Simcha Torah!

Today, our class met in the afternoon, in order to celebrate Simcha Torah with the rest of the congregation this evening.  It was a joyous gathering, with much singing, dancing and laughter.
We unrolled the Torahs, holding them up as we sang "Romemu."
Shiraniks holding the Torah!

Cantor Korn leading the congregation in reciting the blessing over the Torah.
Rabbi Graetz showing us the first and last portions in the Torah.

Everyone got in on the act!

The Israelites cross the Reed Sea! See how it looks like water?

A Kleztones-eye-view of the congregation!

It was a packed synagogue as we all came to celebrate the giving of the Torah!

Leah helps pass out Simcha Torah flags.

Look at all those future Shiraniks getting a blessing from Cantor Korn and the rabbis!

Ethan and the Kleztones rocked the house!

Torah holding teachers!

And now we dance!  Doing hakafot as we danced the hora with the Torah!


Maimone:  You wanna dance with the Torah?  You talkin to me?

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