Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Praying Bunch!

Shalom Shiraniks!
Today, you guys completed your first unit, AND your first parody video!  You did an amazing job of showing what you know by writing lyrics to "The Praying Bunch," and I'm proud to present the first Shira music video of 2015!

Actually, this project didn't happen overnight.  First, we learned about the history of the Temple, and the use of sacrifice in ancient days.  Then, we learned about how when the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians (and the Jews were exiled to Babylon), they had nowhere to sacrifice to God.  Eventually, the rabbis began to lead prayer services in synagogues, and we've been praying without the aid of the Temple priests ever since.

Before we could write the song, we needed to learn about rhyming patterns (this song has an ABCB pattern - parents ask your kids about why!).  Then we had to count how many syllables go into each line of the original song, and where the accents and pauses are in the lyrics.  Finally, we could write our lyrics, which we did collaboratively.  Session 1 and Session 2 split the lyrics, each writing half of the song.  Finally, we recorded the song to a karaoke version of the Brady Bunch theme song.  Whew!  Great work!

Oh, yeah, we also did some other stuff, like learning to write alef and bet in Hebrew (Aba is Dad)

And we learned some drum beats with Erin, and harmonies and hand motions for our new songs with Maya!

Don't forget, next Sunday we have Junior Choir, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, the entire grade will be playing our "Jewpardy" game!  See you then!

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