Sunday, October 2, 2016

L'Shana Tova!

Shalom Shiraniks!

L'Shana Tova Tikatevu!  We have been preparing for the New Year in many ways, learning new tunes for the High Holy Days, cooking holiday treats (honey cake - YUM!),  and learning about ways we can do t'shuvah, or turn our bad habits into good deeds!  Here are a few of the highlights from cooking class.  (And scroll to the bottom for some cool musical links for the High Holidays!)  See you in Temple!

Some of our favorite Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur songs and parodies: 

Looks like Aish must have seen our JQuest video, and followed our lead!

Mayim Bialik and a couple of her friends from the Maccabeats explain the symbols of the New Year.  (Go to 5:00 in to hear Mayim blow the shofar - she's great!)

A classic.  Barbra sings Avinu Malkeinu.

Israeli cellist Inbal Segev plays Kol Nidre.  (I would have preferred to post a wonderful rendition by our own soloist, Dawn Foster Dodson, but none was to be found on YouTube.)

Six13's offering, "Starting Over" for the New Year

...and the Maccabeats "Book of Good Life"


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