Monday, October 17, 2016

Chag Sameach!

I am excited to start this new year with your child! Hopefully I have met most of you, my name is Alissa and I will be teaching alternate Sundays this year. Please come and say hello, I look forward to getting to know your family throughout the year. I am also a parent, my daughter, Eden, is in our class.

Last week we learned about the Ashamnu, and the kids came up with their own lists of "sins" to atone for. The goal was to write one sin for each letter of the alphabet. While it was a fun assignment, the discussion was very thoughtful and honest. The kids came up with a range of answers, everything from "annoying" to "xenophobia." Ideas like "underestimating myself and others" and "judging people" led to interesting insights.

The rain on Sunday prevented us from spending time in the Sukkah, but the class learned (and performed) the "Sukkot Shake." I've added the videos below, they didn't have much time to practice, but they did a great job! I apologize for the quality, we were trying to find a way to rotate the cue cards as they sang, I'll need to find a new method!

I also added video of their music lesson with Revital. They worked on a canon (a round), and the end result was beautiful!


  • Next Sunday (October 23rd) JQuest will be at 4:30 p.m. to celebrate Simchat Torah. Classes are from 4:30-5:30, dinner for families at 5:30, and celebration at 6:15. It will be a lot of fun!
  • Gold Rush trip on November 6th. This is a unique opportunity to learn about Jewish immigration to the West Coast. Look for information in an email.
  • The Maccabeats will be at Acalanes on November 13th. Both the day and evening show are sold out, but they will release more tickets closer to the event.

Ivrit (Hebrew)

Music with Revi

Sukkot Shake Session 1 (part 1 and 2)

Sukkot Shake Session 2

Music Session 1

Music Session 2

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