Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ashkenazi Rap

This week, the students spent time writing lyrics for a rap song about the Ashkenazi Jews. I have compiled them, revising a few of the stanzas for rhyme and rhythm, and the completed song is below.  This Sunday, we will be recording the song during one session, between 9:00 and 11:30 a.m.  Here are the lyrics so you can practice!

Lyrics to the Ashkenazi Rap:

I'm an Ashkenazi Jew
From France and Germany
But I didn't always live there
I'm from Jerusalem, you see!

First we were the Hebrews
Then the Israelites became
Who then were the Jews
We're one and the same!

When the Romans came to rule
We traveled far and wide
As traders, sailors, slaves
For the work we could provide

But those darned Romans!
Once they came along
They destroyed the Temple
Which is why we sing this song.

For thousands of years
All Jews were the same
Now we had to move out,
Travelers we became!

Peddlers, bankers, artisans,
We travelled all around.
Our sukkot were everywhere
Till Rhineland we found.

So we moved into Germany
 And Northern France,
After traveling far and wide,
Thought we’d give the place a chance.

As we settled in,
We spoke Ashkenaz
It's the most awesome language
That there ever was. 

We know it now as Yiddish 
And we speak it all around
 It's German and it’s Hebrew
And it has a funny sound!

Unlike our brothers
the Sephardim,
We lived in shtetles
Ruled by Parnasim

The Parnasim, 
They created the Kahals
Who collected taxes
and ate matzah balls!

We built our synagogues
in our own communities
We were happy on our own,
With love and unity.

But in 1096,
There came along a man
A Pope called Urban
Who wanted the Holy Land.

He called upon the Christians
To take up arms and fight
These were the Crusades,
and for Jews they were a fright!

In the early eleven hundreds
The Crusaders came through town
They wanted all the Muslims
And were tracking them down.

They called them infidels
For their Muslim beliefs
But the Jews were also different,
Which was no relief.

In old town Speyer,
Some folks did attack the Jews
But our savior was the Bishop
Who gave us refuge.

But we practiced our religion 
 So it wouldn't disappear,
Despite the persecution
 That came year after year.

The times, they were troubled
And the Jews had it rough
But the Ashkenazi Jews
Have learned to be tough.

England and France
Wouldn’t let us remain
So we took down our mezuzahs
And went to the Ukraine

But our Ashkenazi roots, 
They continued to grow,
So today the Ashkenazi Jews 

Are all around the world. Yo!

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