Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Field Trip News!!! Parents Please Read!

Shalom Shiraniks!!
Here is a note from Charna about the upcoming Gold Country field trip.  I am hoping that all of you will be able to attend, as it is well worth the trip!  We will spend the day in Columbia State Historical Park, learning about the Jewish families who lived there and the origins of Northern California's Jewish community.  This trip is an integral part of our learning in 5th/6th grade, and I hope that you and your children will join us!
 Please read below and contact Daniella to sign up a.s.a.p.  

Dear 5th & 6th Grade Families,
As you may have heard, all 5th & 6th grade JQuest families will have the opportunity to experience a day of fun and learning in the Gold Country this fall. What does this have to do with our curricula in Shira, Edot, and Y'tzira? At some point this year, all three tracks will learn about the history of the Jews of the United States, including our own Bay Area Jewish community. This community traces back its origin to Gold Rush days. The Jews who came to northern California from Germany, France and Poland in the 1840's and 1850's were brave pioneers who fled social and religious persecution and poor economic conditions, hoping to find a welcoming and prosperous home in the New World.  
To help bring our local Jewish history to life as part of this unit of study, we are chartering a coach (the motorized, air-conditioned version!) to take us to Sonora and Columbia State Historical Park for a full day of activities on Sunday, November 11th. We will leave Temple Isaiah at 9 a.m. and return around 7:30 p.m. Since this is planned as a family event, siblings in JQuest will be excused from their own classes that day to participate.  Please note that every child must have an adult chaperone on the trip. We will picnic at the Rotary Creek Park upon arrival in Sonora, and then continue on to Columbia State Historical Park where we will have a docent-led tour of Jewish Columbia, as well as free time to explore its Main Street on our own. We'll round out our day with a visit to the Sonora Pioneer Jewish Cemetery where we will learn how these pioneers maintained their Jewish identities in spite of the many hardships they had to endure. There will be movies on the bus relating to the theme of the trip, along with other activities geared toward further enriching our understanding of the Jewish experience in the American West.
The price per person for this trip is $40.00, which includes the cost of the bus seat and the fee for the docent tour of the Park. If your family elects to drive on its own, the cost will only be $10.00 per person for the docent tour. There are scholarships available, upon request. Seats on the bus will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. If your family wishes to join us after the seats have been filled, I will keep a waiting list, in case of cancellations. For those families opting to drive on their own, I will provide detailed driving directions and schedules, so you can meet us at the above-mentioned sites. In past years, some families have taken the opportunity to spend an entire weekend in the area.  
Please let Daniella know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if your family can join us for this unique experience. We can only reserve the bus seats for you when we receive a check, made out to "Temple Isaiah," for the full amount for however many seats you would like to reserve. If you cancel after October 31st, we will not be able to refund your money.  
Please bring or mail your check to Daniella Forney in the JQuest office. Be sure to note on the memo portion of your check "Gold Rush Trip." Please be sure to respond even if you cannot join us (we want to be sure we hear from all the families, to be sure we haven't missed anyone).
Feel free to contact Charna by e-mail (charna@schakow.com), if you have any questions about the trip.
L'Shalom (To Peace),
Charna (Coordinator of the Gold Rush Field Trip)

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