Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sukkahs, Song and Simcha!

Shalom Shiraniks!

Once again, it's time to welcome our new and returning students to another great year in Shira!

Although I had to miss our first two sessions due to prior family commitments, the class got off to a good start during the High Holy Days, getting to know each other a bit, and learning about the High Holy Days and Sukkot.

Thank you to Alison Waterman, who so adeptly taught my first two sessions for me! She led the classes in the "Lulav Shake" song and taught them the blessing over shaking the lulav and what the holiday of Sukkot means.

One of the main aspects of that particular lesson dealt with the middot, (values) and mitzvot (commandments) associated with Sukkot.  The students learned that during the holiday, we are commanded to eat, sleep and celebrate in the sukkah, as well as invite others to do so with us.  They worked diligently to express their own creative ways to interpret the values of Sukkot:  Giving Thanks, Showing Hospitality, Creating Community, Living Modestly, Getting in Touch with Nature, Uniting Past and Present and Being Happy.

This is the season of simcha!  We are commanded to be joyful during Sukkot and on Simchat Torah, and our class started off the new year right, with plenty of song and simcha!  Last Sunday, we came to class in the afternoon in order to participate in the synagogue's Simchat Torah service.  Before the service, we discussed the meaning of simcha (joy) for the Torah, and learned a couple of new songs to express that joy.  Then we went to the service, where we saw the Torah unrolled and heard the end and beginning of the Torah read aloud.  We finished the evening with loads of simcha, song and dance, hosted by a local DJ.

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