Thursday, March 26, 2020


Wow!  Here we are, all hunkered down with our families at home, making the best of a challenging situation.  I hope this post finds you and your families all safe, sound and well as we enter the second week of our Shelter in Place.

I will be starting our online Zoom Shira classes today, Thursday, at 4:30pm.  You can join the meeting by using the following meeting ID and access code:

5th/6th grade Music, Teacher Erin

Meeting ID: 786 374 976
  I have also set up a new account for an educational sharing site called Flip Grid.  This site allows me to post questions or activities and allows you to share videos of yourself answering the questions and doing the activities.  Hopefully, it will work well to keep us all connected in the weeks to come!   I have already posted two activities.  Here is the link to that site:

Your username is your name (first letter capitalized), a space and the first letter of your last name, capitalized.  Example:

Napa R  (for Napa Rose)

I have used the names that we call each other in class, rather than your full, formal name if there is a difference between the two (i.e. Matt vs. Matthew)

Hope this isn't too confusing!  It's a whole new world out there!, in here, since I can't go anywhere...

See you at 4:30!

Shalom and Stay Safe!


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