In today's Shira online Zoom meeting, you will be asked to conduct a "Passover Scavenger Hunt." I will give you five minutes to find as many of the following items around the house as you can, then either bring them back to "class", or take a photo of them with your phone to share with us when you return to the meeting.
Here are your tasks:
1. When Moses was a baby, he was placed in the River Nile in a little basket made of reeds. His mother, Yocheved, had to use what nature provided her to create a safe vessel for her child until he was taken in by Pharaoh's daughter.
YOUR TASK: Find a useful item that is made from something from nature (not metal).
2. Moses used a staff of wood to convey God's power to Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
YOUR TASK: Find an item that represents the power of God.
3. The Ten Plagues devastated Egypt.
YOUR TASK: Find something that you, or someone in your family might consider a "plague."
4. When the Israelites fled Egypt, they had to leave in such a hurry that they did not have time for their bread to rise.
YOUR TASK: Find a food item that you would take with you if you had to suddenly leave your home.
5. When they were faced with the frightening task of escaping Egypt by going through the Sea of Reeds, the Israelites were strengthened by Miriam, Moses' sister, as she played her timbrel and sang, rejoicing on the other side
YOUR TASK: Find something that you can make joyful music with.
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