Thursday, April 30, 2020

Jewish Six Room Poetry

Shalom Shiraniks!

We just finished our weekly Zoom class, and you each created a "six room" poem about a Jewish moment, event, holiday, or other memory in your life.  To review (and for those of you reading this who weren't able to participate in class this week), here is a brief how-to:

On a piece of paper, create six squares by making one line down the middle and two across.  Then, starting with the top left corner, label each as follows:

IMAGE                   LIGHT



In the Image box, describe the event in as much detail as you can (sentences not required)
In the Light box, describe what the light or colors are like in your event
In the Sounds box, describe what you heard
In the Foods/Tastes/Smells box, add a list of foods or tastes and smells
In the "Feelings/Metaphor" box, either write how you felt at or about the event, or write a metaphor or simile comparing the event to something else
Finally, in the last box, write down any words or phrases in Hebrew or Yiddish that might be associated with that event.

Then, after all of your "rooms" are full, take everything you have written and create a poem out of it, either listing all of your phrases in order or mixing them up, or even repeating one or two.  It's entirely up to you. Be creative!  Once you have finished your poem, add it to the comments below so we can all read it by next week's class.  Shalom!

1 comment:

  1. Passover
    by Shaina Hurd

    Family sits around the table,
    the room is filled with the glow of candles,
    everyone sings,
    and laughs.
    some prefer grape juice,
    some prefer wine.
    the kids say the ma-nishtana,
    and we leave the door open for Elijah.
    When my family talks at passover,
    it's like I'm at the zoo hearing all the animals.
    This is my kind of Passover.
