Saturday, October 11, 2014

High Holy Days

     This week, the Shira class has been busy getting to know each other, and learning about our High Holy Day traditions.  We had a chance to create our own "tashlich" boats, in which the students placed pieces of paper with their "teshuvah baggage" that they would like to send away. 
     In cooking class, the students made delicious honey cake, adding to their Hebrew cooking vocabulary as well as learning the fine art of baking!  
     On a musical note (pun intended), we explored a very "Jewish sounding" mode, the Ahava Rabah (or Phrygian) mode, which is the basis for so many liturgical and klezmer tunes. After playing the mode on the piano apps on my phone, the students listened to examples of music in this mode, and created a work of art expressing the "many moods" of the Ahava Rabah mode.  
     The Junior Choir is making wonderful music with Cantor Korn, and are really beginning to come together as a musical group! They are learning a new version of "Oseh Shalom," among other songs.
     Finally, we began the first in a series of lessons with Cantor Korn about cantillation.  The Shira class is the only 5th/6th grade class to get a head start on their bar/bat mitzvah training in this way, and they are very excited about it!  Ask your child to sing the first series of notes from the "Mercha/Tipcha/Munach/Etnachta" group to you!

Cantor Korn introduces the class to the art of cantillation!

Thinking about writing a lyric to chant

Making our "USS Tashlich" boats

How does klezmer music make you feel?

Reacting to music through art - the Many Moods of the Ahava Rabah Mode

A lesson in how to play the bodhran!

Junior choir practice

Making honey cake in the cooking elective!  Yummy!

Hafsakah - recess!

Our growing Shira library

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