Sunday, October 26, 2014

What's all this mishigas?!

Jewish History - Ashkenazi Jews
 At this point in our unit on European Jewish history, the students are learning how the Jews actually got to Europe in the first place.  They learned that, during the Roman Empire, Jews moved to various parts of Europe, and those that moved to the area of the Rhine River, in Germany and Northern France, would eventually become known as Ashkenazi Jews.  We have been studying Ashkenazi music, and this week we learned a bit about their language,Yiddish.  The students already knew a few Yiddish words, and were surprised to learn that the language is primarily derived from German and Hebrew.
 After watching a powerpoint presentation about the Ashkenazi Jews, the students chose a "beat" using the Rap To Beats app.  Then, each class wrote collective lyrics for a rap song (yes, a rap) about the Ashkenazim in Eastern Europe.  Look for it on this blog soon!
In Hebrew through Movement, we have been adding to our growing vocabulary, while the students made "symbolic salad" in cooking class, practicing their Hebrew culinary words!

With Cantor Korn, the students of Junior Choir are learning many new songs, including "Open":
With Joel, we are all singing many songs, familiar and new.

Next week, we will be recording our "Ashkenazi Rap," so be sure to be in class so your voice can be heard!

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