Tuesday, October 14, 2014



Simcha means joy!!  And we have been celebrating the simcha of Sukkot and Simchat Torah this week!  To begin with, each student had a chance to shake the lulav and etrog in the sukkah.  We all agreed that it is a very weird, but kinda cool tradition, as we recited the bracha (blessing) and shook away in six different directions.  When we discussed the meaning of this tradition, the kids came up with some interesting answers: - it represents the different aspects of our personality
- it shows the many ways we can, and should, do the mitzvot
- it points out that God is everywhere
- it represents a connection to the ancient Hebrews

  After learning all about Sukkot customs, we had a chance to sing and dance with the (little) Torah in preparation for Simchat Torah on Wednesday night.  The students carried the Torahs and enjoyed dancing around the classroom before unrolling one of the small Torahs to see how far it stretched around the room!
We listened to and watched a moving rendition of a song about the life of a Torah made 170 years ago in Kiev. The song, "The Place Where I Belong," is performed by Russian vocalist Stanislas Vitort, and served as a jumping off point for several meaningful discussions.  We talked about the trials and tribulations of Eastern European Jews in the 19th and 20th centuries, and why the Torah is such an important thread that keeps the Jewish community together.. Here is a link to the video on YouTube:

This week, Joel brought some lively Simchat Torah songs to Shira, including a Sukkot rendition of "My Favorite Things!"


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